
Under Construction

Actually, as the pages are not translated, use for translation of my pages: http://translate.google.ch/


  • Beekeeping gets more and more difficult. The nature is in a very bad condition.
  • To change, there is only a very tiny thing to do: orientation by nature comes before profit! Ideas don't count. Acting is requested!
  • Warré is an interesting approach for nature-driven beekeeping
  • Beekeepers are often the most dangerous enemies for the bees
  • Feeding sugar to bees, leads into a dead-end
  • Swarming is absolutely necessary to accomplish a better bee health
  • Acid oxalic & acid formic are hard interventions to bee colonies. Degradation of the immune system is the result!
  • Without varroa treatment, nature installs by itself a new equilibrium between host and aggressor
  • Natural selection is key! The weak dies, the strong lives.
  • Varroas can be treated alternatively. Essential oils (thymol) are so far the easiest and best examined way.
  • Alternativ approaches are existing. New natural treatments shall be found!
  • This internet page has not the pretense to be holistic. It shall only provide so far not enough published informations and encourage beekeepers to test alternative approaches. Lot's of wrong dogmas are covering the whole apiculture! The science and the specialized trade are having a lot of negative power.
  • Unfortunately, I am actually not able, to translate my home internet page into different languages. But please, don't hesitate to contact me in case of interest to my work with bees. Probably you have some more interesting information and experience, too to exchange!